A SIMPLE PROGRAM SELECTOR for the rest of us. by: Dave Gair [71260,2752] Here is a simple basic program selector that can be configured by anyone having elementary Basic Programing knowledge. I have found it faster and more flexible than many $100+ commercial selectors that use "rodents" to do work that the keyboard does better. I use this as the startup file on my boot disk and then use variations of this program as the startup files in subdirectories anywhere in my system. I then call one selector file from selector modules by using one of the menu items for this purpose or with the BYE command (see below). Each module which you create and configure can have 9 selections + the 0 "bye" selection. Even more efficiency comes with Alan Bird's "Bird's Better Bye" which has been patched into ProDos by a number of Software publishers including Beagle Bros., and Applied Engineering. Dave Gair